KEYNOTE TYPE: Opening or Closing | THEMES: Transformational Leadership, Reinvention, Mindset, Motivation, Teamwork
What worked leading a successful team 3 years ago isn’t going to create the same results in this current climate.
Are your people feeling depleted, burnt out or simply underperforming?
Is your workforce feeling fragmented with some members of your team back in the office, dancing to one tune, while others are still at home in their COVID costumes/PJs?
It's time to stop pivoting and start dancing to a brand-new tune. In this highly interactive presentation filled with music, movement personal stories and props, Kathryn will draw on her 20+yrs as an Award Winning Entrepreneur, Company Director, Performer and Choreographer to show you how to: Re-Connect, Re-Engage, Re-build and REVITALIZE Your Workforce and Re-Choreograph your Company’s Culture.
~ Find a way to give each member of your team a “standing ovation” for sticking by you through the pandemic. By doing this one thing, your workplace productivity will soar!
~ Recognize and reward each member of your team, based on their unique dance/performance style.
~ Get everyone in your team out of the wings performing as one cohesive ensemble.
~ Choreograph a New Company Culture that will get everyone in your team dancing to the same beat, and performing better than ever.
~ Transform your Leadership Skills and Workplace Culture and dramatically improve Performance, Productivity, Profits and Retention
Stop focusing on where you were 3yrs ago, or where you’re at right now. And focus on where you want your workforce to be. Your team can’t be what they can’t see!
As a tiny baby attempting to take your first few shaky steps, you didn’t say “I suck at this, I might as well give up now.” As you start choreographing a brand-new company culture, some members of your team might fall out of step. There’s no such thing as failure... only feedback. Fail fast and fail forward.
Ask every member of your team to brainstorm your team's/company's new mission and vision. Decisions will align with your mission when everyone’s on board with your vision.
Draw on what you’ve learnt so far as a team that worked and didn’t work. Forget perfection. Let reflection and connection guide your direction.
How to create a "MIND-SHIFT" to clear out the "MIND-SHIT"
KEYNOTE TYPE: Opening or Closing | THEMES: Transformation, Reinvention, Mindset, Motivation, Inspiration, Personal Development
A lot of speakers say they talk about Mindset, but when you look up the Dictionary definition of Mindset it says:
~ A set of attitudes or fixed ideas that somebody has that are often difficult to change.
~ A fixed attitude, disposition or mood
~ A person's way of thinking and opinions
So that’s why I refer to myself as a MIND-SHIFT speaker, coach and trainer.
And honestly, it's actually not that hard to create a MIND-SHIFT. It just takes practice. It all comes down to how you perceive yourself and/or a situation, along with the meaning you give it.
Do you have an Inner Critic that holds you back from being as brilliant as you could be?
Are there areas of your life where you know you’re repeating patterns that don’t serve you? But don’t know how to change it?
Do you play what I call the “compare and despair game?” That game is futile. It’s a bit like a noxious weed that takes over your garden and stops you from blossoming and growing into the amazing person that you were put on the planet to be. Let’s face it...nobody has a perfect life. But you can certainly learn to dance your way through life's inevitable obstacles and setbacks with grace and ease once you learn to embrace all of who you are, warts and all and Become your #1 Fan (versus your own worst enemy).
In this highly interactive presentation, Kathryn will share highly personal stories, and use music, humour and props to show you how to start cleaning out the crap that’s currently residing in your mind. Hint... it hasn’t been there all along!
~ Learn how to silence that nasty inner critic Imagine what you’ll be capable of achieving once that nasty voice is replaced with a cheer squad.
~ Re-connect with the tiny child that still lives inside your adult body, they remember how capable, special and unique you are.
~ Stop playing the “compare and despair game” and start playing the “compare and dare game.” Dare to become the best version of yourself that you can be!
~ Start telling yourself a brand new story about what you’re capable of achieving.
~ Re-connect with your deepest desires and set about making them a reality.
If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got. Start re-imagining where you want to be in 1 yr, 5yrs and 10 yrs. You can’t be what you can’t see!
They say we spend far more time planning our next vacation than we do planning our lives. How crazy is that? Spend time creating a vision; and let that guide your every decision.
As a tiny baby attempting to take your first few shaky steps, you didn’t say “I suck at this, I might as well give up now.” As you start choreographing a brand-new vision for your life, chances are you might go off course or feel like you have two left feet. There’s no such thing as failure... only feedback. Fall fast and fall forward.
Draw on all of the skills you’ve acquired since you were a tiny baby, and use those as motivation to propel you forward in choreographing an exciting new dance for your life. Forget perfection. Let reflection and re-connection guide your direction.
"Kathryn is a breath of fresh air, a true inspiration. So often those in business are searching for new ideas, new techniques, and new skills, when the real answer to success in business, and indeed our lives is within ourselves.
So when you realize that more of the same, brings more of the same, invite Kathryn as your next key note speaker and witness the results as you become encircled with happier more content and successful people."
Ross Lambert, Digital Solutions Group
"I was recommended Kathryn from one of my Executive Committee, as a speaker for our Chamber Members. She came to our venue with vibrant enthusiasm, warm, abundant knowledge that she genuinely wanted to share. She is a lovely person with a passionate delivery of how to develop ‘Confidence’. Many Members commented on her approachable manner and I would recommend her anytime. Thanks Kathryn, we thoroughly enjoyed having you at our Event."
Kirstie White – Vice President – Narrabeen and Districts Chamber of Commerce.
"Kathryn is an exceptionally gifted speaker who easily captures her audience with her natural positive, inspiring energy. I found her talk very motivational, whilst being down to earth. Kathryn creates a wonderful atmosphere. And her use of story telling, music, passion and humor will touch your soul."
Marc Pop, Entrepreneur
Thinking Of Engaging Kathryn For Your Team Or Event?

If you’d like to schedule a complimentary confidential and obligation free Zoom Call with Kathryn to establish if this is the right program for you, please book your preferred time in the calendar. The sessions generally run for 15 to 30 mins.