Empowering Athletes, Performers and Young Emerging Leaders to Develop to Their True Potential.

Give Your Athletes, Performers or Young Emerging Leaders The Skills To
Create Success From Their Untapped Potential Within & Transform them Into Peak Performers
Becoming a brilliant young leader, athlete or performer takes more than a high IQ, a full scholarship or dedication. It takes self-belief, emotional intelligence and an unshakable faith in their ability to succeed. Something the majority of young leaders, athletes and performers today are sadly lacking.
Even your most confident leaders, athletes and performers have self-limiting beliefs holding them back from achieving what they are truly capable of.
Kathryn has been empowering athletes, performers and emerging young leaders for over three decades. Give them the gift of working with her and she’ll knock their socks off with her truly empowering programs that will show them how to tap into their true potential.
- A highly interactive presentation
- A half day workshop
- A full day workshop
Rest assured whichever format you choose, you’ll have the option of ongoing support to ensure the key take aways and skills have stuck and are being implemented.

Kathryn has spent the majority of her life empowering young emerging leaders to believe in themselves and make their dreams a reality. Initially in her highly successful school of performing arts, as well as her self esteem and life skills program called “all of me.” And for the last 15 years as an Exceptional Performance Coach, Trainer and Speaker.
Nothing lights Kathryn up more than hearing from one of her former clients, workshop participants or audience members about the positive impact she’s had on them, and how they’re implementing what Kathryn taught them and making their dreams a reality.
Kathryn will happily customize a presentation to suit your specific needs. Below are three topics that she’s often asked to present.
Kathryn's Presentations
Kathryn has a collection of amazing stories and experiences to engage, inspire and improve the confidence of any audience, below are just some of the ideas to inspire you to create an appropriate experience for your audience.
Topic 1 – Exceptional Thinking is the Key to Exceptional Results
Creating exceptional results all starts with developing an Exceptional Thinking Mindset.
- Young emerging leaders
- Sporting teams
- Athletes
- Performers
Topic 2 – The Resilience Train; How to Ride the Road Bumps of Life
Setbacks are inevitable; how you navigate them will either make you or break you.
- Young emerging leaders
- Sporting teams
- Athletes
- Performers
Topic 3 – Remember who you were before the world told you who you should be
Chances are you’ve lost touch with who you really are?
- Young emerging leaders
- Sporting teams
- Athletes
- Performers
As tiny babies we had no pre-conceived ideas of what we were capable of, or not capable of. We approached each day with joy, curiosity, positive anticipation and self belief. Unfortunately that all changed by the time we reached the age of two when we received our first negative feedback. And from there it was a downward spiral.
In this presentation Kathryn will share with her audience how to hit the re-set button so they can tap into their true potential. She’ll teach them how to create new neural pathways in their brain and take control of the thoughts, beliefs and behaviors required to create exceptional results.
Participants will learn how to:
- Create new neural pathways in their brain.
- Re-program their negative self talk and turn it into a cheer squad.
- Let go and learn from past disappointments.
- Break free of the negative boxes and labels society has put them in.
- Take control of their thoughts, beliefs and behaviors to they can get busy creating exceptional results in their lives.
Topic 2 – The Resilience Train; How to Ride the Road Bumps of Life
Anything worth achieving in life is going to come with its setbacks, challenges and obstacles. Achieving a goal is never a linear process. How we deal with those set backs will determine whether we’ll eventually achieve our goal and lead a happy and fulfilled life or not.
In this presentation Kathryn will share several deeply personal stories including how she rebuilt her life after suffering from a nervous breakdown and feeling suicidal in her early thirties. Along with numerous tools to use when life doesn’t go according to plan.
Participants will learn:
- Setbacks are inevitable; in fact a necessary step in the path to achieving your goals.
- How to view setbacks and work your way through them.
- Your past does not have to dictate your future.
- To only surround yourself with people who genuinely care about you.
Topic 3 – Remember who you were before the world told you who you should be
No era before you has had more pressure to look a particular way, dress a particular way, or act a particular way….. than yours. You’re constantly being bombarded by images 24/7; in magazines on TV and social media. There’s no escaping it. And its having a devastating effect on your self esteem.
The only way to stop that incredibly destructive impact is to…. remember who you were…… before the world told you who you should be.
In this presentation Kathryn will teach you to see the world through your own eyes, instead of through the lens of the media and society as a whole.
Participants will learn:
- How to reconnect with their true selves.
- How to set their own emotional compass for how they approach their life.
- How to Become their #1 Fan so they no longer need validation from other’s that their “good enough/clever enough/attractive enough” etc…
- How special they are and that the world is waiting for them to share their unique gifts.
Just a note to say thanks for the EXCEPTIONAL job you did with our Hogan’s Young ‘s. Entrepreneurs. Your workshop on Emotional Intelligence was mentioned by all as one of the best experiences they’d encountered. You would be interested too, to know that you were mentioned by many of them as one of the most outstanding leaders . They particularly liked your candor and how you demonstrated concern for each of them. They see you as authentic and someone they would feel comfortable following. Hopefully we will be able to convince you to come back. Aloha, John Webster
"Kathryn was truly engaging and captivated her audience at all levels. Her message was thorough and her style was dynamic. As well as her Keynote Address, Kathryn also ran an energized hands on workshop to give the participants practical tools and techniques to use in their lives. As I talked with the young leaders at the conclusion of the convention, the speaker that they most quoted and referred to was Kathryn."
Tim Hawkins
Chair Youth Convention National Speakers Association
"Kathryn approached our college this year with an offer we could not refuse- to boost the confidence and self- belief of our students as they begin their final year at Roseville College. Young emerging leaders often sabotage their potential success through negative self-talk. In her session she revealed how to relegate this for good. Her presentation was highly inter-active and very memorable and our young women found it powerful. They responded with the following comments: ‘inspiring’; ‘interesting and informative’; ‘encouraging’; ‘useful and applicable to everyday life’; ‘positive and motivating presenter’ I would heartily recommend Kathryn as a vibrant and inspiring speaker and a most effective communicator."
Grace Stone
Director of Student Development and Wellbeing
Thinking Of Engaging Kathryn For Your Team Or Event?

If you’d like to schedule a complimentary confidential and obligation free Zoom Call with Kathryn to establish if this is the right program for you, please book your preferred time in the calendar. The sessions generally run for 15 to 30 mins.