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Before I started working with Kathryn I was riddled with anxiety and self doubt. After two sessions I headed to Tasmania to swim in eight events at the Tasmanian Short Course Championships. Applying what Kathryn taught me to calm my nerves and visualize exactly how I wanted my events to go, I came home with 8 gold medals and did 6 PB/s (personal bests) shaving a whopping 6 seconds off my previous PB for the 200 meters individual medley. Thanks so much Kathryn.
Sarah Keenahan
Kathryn has worked with my teams on goals and confidence. I had a successful season when she helped my U22 women’s team win the State Championship and I decided to call on her to help my Saint Augustine’s Varsity Team who were struggling with lack of belief. We went on to win the remainder of games that season including the Conference Final by thirty points over a team that had beaten us both times during the regular season. The boys hardly missed a shot in the opening period and gave their opposition little chance of success.
Brad DaltonDualOlympian
Kathryn Orford has helped my daughter get through a time when, after a horrific accident on a basketball court, she ended up with a very badly broken arm and the doctors told her she'd probably never play basketball again. Kathryn’s sessions backed up by her CD’s (which my daughter left on repeat ALL night), gave my daughter the strength to not only be back on the court 3 months later, but to look at situations and turn them around to a positive note. We love what your doing Kathryn, and I hope more families gain as much joy as we did from your work. Thanks for helping us.
Llewena Binge
Kathryn Peak Performance Coached my Manly Warringah Representative basketball team and I really found her sessions helpful. I’ve adopted her techniques in many aspects of my life. Her enthusiastic and exciting approach enabled our team to recognize weaknesses in our basketball ability and in our self-confidence. She taught us ways to drown out negative voices, believe in our abilities and to channel that into our games. Even though we’d played together for years, Kathryn was able to bond our team so that we trusted each other on the court, which was the ingredient that really pushed us over the line in winning the State Championship. I have also used the techniques and mind set that Kathryn has shared with me in my everyday life. I am more calm and confident in approaching my HSC exams and any new task that I am challenged with. Kathryn is a lovely and inspiring lady and I feel so privileged to have worked with her. Thanks Kathryn!
Ellie Radan
My 11 year old daughter Siena has been playing rep basketball for the last 3 years, a game she really loves. This season has been a tough one and she was spending more and more time on the bench, with her confidence visibly dropping and her game suffering as a result. After just one short session with Kathryn, there was a marked difference in her mental attitude and her physical game. She’s since had a group session with Kathryn involving the whole team and the difference is huge; you can sense it even before she steps onto the court. Thanks Kathryn, I think what you do is inspiring.
Carolyn Nisavic